Field Inspector Registration

Complete this form to register to work for NVMS. Please be aware that this doesn't mean that you will definitely get work from us. You must complete all your location and service details once you sign up to complete your account. Then, if we have work in your area, we will get in touch with you via email.

Vendor/Company Demographics

Company Information

Service Types That You Perform

Please select the services that you are able to perform and when done, click on the "Areas You Service" section to add the locations that you service.

Areas You Cover

Please choose the zip codes of the areas that you cover.

Select State:

Select a state from the drop down list above and then select your counties from the County box below... If you wish to add counties from multiple states, please select your counties from one state, click the "Add County" button and then select a new state. This is because there might be duplicate county names in different states.

Please select a state first...
Counties Selected

Areas Added To Your Account

Thank You!

Thank you for registering with NVMS to perform field work. You should receive an email to login to your account.